Review: ‘Property: A Collection’ by Lionel Shriver

Date: 4/19/2018
Publisher: Harper Collins UK, The Borough Press
In her first ever story collection, Lionel Shriver illuminates one of the modern age’s most enduring obsessions: property.A woman creates a deeply personal wedding present for her best friend; a thirty-something son refuses to leave home; a middle-aged man subjugated by service to his elderly father discovers that the last place you should finally assert yourself is airport security.
This landmark publication explores the idea of "property" in both senses of the word: real estate, and stuff. Immensely readable, it showcases the biting insight that has made Lionel Shriver one of the most acclaimed authors of our time.
The highlight of Property is the opening story, more of a novella really, ‘The
Standing Chandelier’, which shows the development of a decades-long friendship
between the artistic, if a bit airy-fairy, Jillian and her ex-lover Baba, who
is in the process of getting settled. Shriver moves between their points of
view and it is almost heartbreaking how clear it becomes that their close
relationship is untenable. We can’t own the other, no matter how much of
ourselves we give. Another highlight, of a different kind, is the story
‘Domestic Terrorism’, in with a 32-year old son, Liam, simply refuses to own
his own life. When his parents finally kick him out the story almost descends
into a farce, but Shriver’s sharp writing keeps it on the knife’s edge,
bringing in political commentary on the refugee crisis and millennials (which
you can read whichever way you want) as well as a close look at how family
interacts. ‘Vermin’ is another favourite of mine, in which the sheer fact of
house ownership drastically changes the story’s characters. Imagery-wise, this
is one of the most beautiful stories in the collection for me. Not all stories
in Property are equally effective.
Both ‘From Paradise to Perdition’ and ‘The ChapStick’, for example, feel
preachy, but in completely different ways. It feels like Shriver has an ax to
grind, but with what or who exactly isn’t entirely clear.
There is a calmness to Shriver’s prose that
I find myself enjoying. She is the kind of storyteller who knows exactly how
ridiculous what she is describing is, but she never ruins the joke by laughing
herself. Many of her stories are concerned with big emotional moments in
people’s lives, yet Shriver avoids the melodrama that sometimes suffuses such
stories. The only time she fails to do so is when she is trying to make a point, like mentioned above. That is when the stories lose some of their strength for me, when they become vehicles for something other than themselves. However, in general there is a clarity there that allows her to get very close to her
characters’ emotions without letting them overwhelm the story. There are many
laugh out loud moments in Property
and many of Shriver's characters are unlikable, yet it is compelling reading nonetheless.
I give this collection…

3 Universes!
Shriver is a great writer and the stories in Property are a great analysis of just how tied down we are by what we own, whether it is an object, a relationship or even just a feeling. Even if Shriver's personal beliefs sometimes bleed into the stories, they remain mostly fascinating.
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