Tour: 'Running Through A Dark Place' by Michael J. Bowler
Today I'm part of the blog tour for the amazing Running Through a Dark Place by Michael J. Bowler.
majored in English and Theatre at Santa Clara University and earned a
master’s in film production from Loyola Marymount University, a
teaching credential in English from LMU, and another master's in
Special Education from Cal State University Dominguez Hills.
King Arthur and his extraordinary young Knights used ‘might’ for ‘right’ to create a new Camelot in the City of Angels. They rallied the populace around their cause, while simultaneously putting the detached politicians in check. But now they must move forward to even greater heights, despite what appears to be an insurmountable tragedy.
Their new goal is lofty: give equality to kids fourteen and older who are presently considered adults only when they break the law. Arthur’s crusade seeks to give them real rights such as voting, driving, trading high school for work, and sitting as jurors for their peers charged with criminal behavior.
Understanding that the adults of California will likely be against them, Arthur and his Knights must determine how best to win them over.
However, before the king can even contemplate these matters, he finds himself face to face with an ally from the past, one who proves that everything isn’t always what it seems – even life and death.
The Knight Cycle Continues…
About the Author:
J. Bowler is an award-winning author of four previous novels––A
Boy and His Dragon, A
Matter of Time (Reader’s Favorite Silver
Medalist), Children of the Knight
(Wishing Shelf Book Awards Gold Medalist),
and Running Through A Dark Place––who
grew up in San Rafael, California.

partnered with two friends as producer, writer, and/or director on
several ultra-low-budget horror films, including “Fatal Images,”
“Club Dead,” and “Things II,” the reviews of which are much
more fun than the actual movies.
taught high school in Hawthorne, California for twenty-five years,
both in general education and to students with learning disabilities,
in subjects ranging from English and Strength Training to Algebra,
Biology, and Yearbook.
He has
also been a volunteer Big Brother to seven different boys with the
Catholic Big Brothers Big Sisters program and a thirty-year volunteer
within the juvenile justice system in Los Angeles. He is a
passionate advocate for the fair treatment of children and teens in
California, something that is sorely lacking in this state.
He has
been honored as Probation Volunteer of the Year, YMCA Volunteer of
the Year, California Big Brother of the Year, and 2000 National Big
Brother of the Year. The “National” honor allowed he and three of
his Little Brothers to visit the White House and meet the president
in the Oval Office.
He has
already written the final installments that complete The
Knight Cycle and all will be released in
Find Michael online on:
And especially for you, an excerpt from Chapter 1:
ONCE upon a time in the City of Angels, a boy fell… and the city
fell with him.
The cheers rose into the clear night sky, strong and resonant with
youthful energy and exuberance. Atop the white mare Llamrei, viewed from above
by the piercing green eyes of the muralled Lance, Arthur’s hands
enfolded those of young Chris, and together they gripped the hilt of
Excalibur. The fabled blade pointed heavenward, as though beseeching
God for a miracle. The cheering subsided, slowly and gradually, as the enormity of this
night settled over the hundreds of youth and local citizens. Chris’s
long blond hair was matted with sweat, his soft features streaked
with drying tears as his blue eyes tilted upward, along Excalibur’s
length. Arthur gazed down at the boy and marveled at the resiliency
of youth.
Less than twenty minutes prior Chris, and the world, had watched
their beloved Lance slip away from them. Arthur’s tunic was stained
by the blood of his son, a miraculous gift of a boy who had saved the
king’s life at the cost of his own. Arthur suddenly became aware of the silence around him. He lowered
Excalibur and gently removed it from the small hands of the little
boy before him. Sheathing the sword, he gazed out at the crowd. All
eyes focused on him, eyes that were expectant, uncertain, eager and
sad. Many stared at the amazing mural Arthur’s knights had created,
a mural celebrating the gift to them all that had been his chosen
First Knight.
But Arthur knew the road ahead would not be as simple as he’d just
laid out for his children. They were lost, and it was his job as the
adult to guide and comfort them. But he
knew the truth. Without Lance, how far could the crusade continue
without collapsing in upon itself? He recognized the vacuum that
losing Lance created, a vacuum impossible to fill with anyone else.
Still, he had to push onward. These remarkable youth had already
come so far, had accomplished so much, had devoted their very lives
to his cause. He had to find a path forward.
He turned and glanced over his shoulder at Jenny, the woman who had
stolen his heart. She offered a sympathetic smile of support, but it
did little to mask her own sorrow. Her soft features were clouded
with sadness, and a light breeze wafted her long blonde hair in small
wisps across her eyes.
Arthur looked at the officials standing on the steps of City Hall.
They were eying him with uncertain caution, knowing he had the power
over this assembled multitude, and their faces reflected a deep fear
that he would use it against them in some fashion.
But Arthur was a man who believed in using might for right,
who sought peace and justice over all else. Never would he incite his
youth to anarchy, even against so corrupt a mayor as Villagrana, who
eyed the king with an expression Arthur couldn’t quite discern.
Normally the man’s face showed nothing but contempt. But now it was
different, as though what happened to Lance had somehow broken
through the prison walls around his heart and released some of its
dormant humanity.
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