Guest post: Michael J. Bowler - 'The Dark Places We Run Through'
The Dark Places We Run
My Knight Cycle
series of books is, first and foremost, a fable, a fantasy of “An
America that could be” if only two simple precepts were actually
fostered by all adults – “the best interests of children”
should be the overreaching goal of a civil society, and a successful
society is one that lives in balance. Sadly, neither of these
principles exists in America today except within small enclaves. They
are certainly not present in politics or public policy, education or
the media, or in corporate offices. The end result has become a
country of lost, mentally ill, or neurotic kids who have no real
rights except the right to be sent to prison if they get involved in
a crime. In some states, that right to prison has no age limit.
Adults used to
understand that children and teens needed parenting and mentoring,
and that kids needed good role models and positive examples. Adults
used to know instinctively that kids never got things right all the
time, that they needed second, third, maybe even fourth chances in
life to get themselves together. Not anymore. Now when kids screw up,
the adults give up on them immediately.

Book II –
Running Through A Dark Place continues the crusade to better
the lot of children in America, to bring to the people those two
precepts I articulated in the first sentence. This second book, and
the third – There Is No Fear – illustrate clearly that
children are not adults and should never be treated as such. They
stumble, they fall, they make bad choices, they are impulsive. But
they always deserve a second chance. Sadly, as depicted in The
Knight Cycle, many kids have never had a first chance, let alone
a second. The campaign Arthur and his Knights launch in Running
to get kids fourteen and older adult rights exists not because Arthur
and Jenny and the other adults really believe kids can think
like adults. They understand the essential difference in the thinking
processes of adults versus teens, even without all the scientific
data on brain development at their fingertips. Such understanding
did, after all, used to be called common sense.
Rather, the
campaign is launched to force California voters – that means adults
- to take a long hard look at Proposition 21 and other laws that put
children as young as fourteen into adult court for the express
purpose of sending them to prison, and in a broader sense the
campaign exists to confront the unfairness, the idiocy, the fallacy
that children can think like adults one minute, but not the
next. And the stupid notion that, based on current law in California
and America, the only time kids apparently can think as adults
is when they do something wrong, never when they do something right.
And further, when kids do something wrong, America’s answer is to
throw them away into prison, out of sight, out of mind. Some
solution, huh?
For those who have
read the first book, and for those who have not, it’s difficult to
discuss the plot of Running without giving away a major
spoiler. But something so monumental happens in Chapter 1 that the
whole world is fundamentally changed, and so is everyone in Arthur’s
Round Table. This event precipitates great joy and great sorrow.
Running Through A Dark Place is a tale of loss, happiness,
courage, and fear. All of us as kids ran through some dark place or
other. That’s part of growing up. For many of us, those dark places
were internal. For too many children in America today, those places
are both internal and external.
I’ve known kids
who have gone through such dark times I am amazed they survived, let
alone went forward to succeed at anything in life. As with Arthur’s
kids, those I knew were mentored by good adults who helped them
overcome the darkness and step into the light. Adults who really care
about the future will always step up in some way to help kids
who stumble. But we need more of them and less of the ones who
want to do the throwaway routine. Human children are not trash. They
are not something to recycle. They are forever in need of forgiveness
and love and support.
For those who read Children of the Knight and perhaps thought
it unfinished, that there were many aspects of society touched on,
but not explored, in part that’s because it was never intended as a
stand-alone book. For reasons unknown to me, I wasn’t allowed to
indicate it was the beginning of a series. Hence, the seemingly bleak
ending confounded many. Hopefully, some of you might give Running
Through A Dark Place a chance. But even in Book II, the story
remainsunfinished. Some elements that began in Children of the
Knight, and those that begin inRunning, don’t get
resolved until the final book. It’s a journey, an epic
coming-of-age tale involving a lot of kids, and adults, who are given
a second chance, and who make something worthwhile out of that
chance. Despite what the conclusion to the first book might indicate,
the tag line on the cover of Running is something I’ve
learned from every kid I’ve ever known – hope endures.
Thanks for hosting me, Juli. Much appreciated!