Harry Potter Moment of the Week - Most Beautiful Spot
The Most Beautiful Spot in the Series
Well, obviously nothing is as beautiful as Hogwarts! Seeing it burn on the posters for HP 7 was heart breaking! J.K. Rowling said the following about it:
I love the idea of Hogwarts as this completely magical building with its own life, towers that no one is exactly sure who built, ghosts and a Rom of Requirement because it is there for all of its students needs. It just sounds like an absolutely beautiful place. I somehow feel I should pick something more specific though.'(I visualize Hogwarts as) a huge, rambling, quite scary-looking castle, with a jumble of towers and battlements. Like the Weasley's house, it isn't a building that Muggles could build, because it is supported by magic.'
Another place I thought was absolutely stunning was Shell Beach. It's sad we only really got to see it during such an emotional scene. First few times I was way too distraught to pay attention till I managed to stay a bit calm and actually look around.
So, what place/s did you pick? They're all pretty amazing, to be honest!
Oh me too! I loved the beach place. It was soooo lovely and peaceful!