Friday's here

Gain New Blog FollowersI am running really low of reading because I don't have a Kindle at the moment, so that would explain my lack of posting, next to the stress of organizing finance for university and working at UCL. But I decided I couldn't miss out on Friday!

This week's FF question, hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, is:
Q: Worst cover? What is the worst cover of a book that you've read and loved?

I never used to pay a lot of attention to covers before I got into blogging and then I saw some gorgeous covers and started paying a lot of attention to it. In fact, I'm planning on decorating my room at uni with those extra covers they put around book covers. But I don't think I have ever really disliked a cover on a book that I loved. I do have to admit that a cover can turn me off reading a book. I usually don't like the cheesy, romancy-type covers with a guy and a girl in some passionate embrace, but then again, there are very nice examples of these as well.

Covers I usually like are drawings, such as the German covers for Harry Potter. Although they might not be beautiful paintings, I loved them as a kid and thought it did really well at maturing the Harry character and showing some of the amazing imagery and scenes from the book.I also like how Harry is looking at the reader, there is simply something about it. And let's face it, I grew up loving this book so of course I love the covers! I spent years looking at them while my dad read them to me.

And the Book Blogger Hop is back and I can't wait to get started again, It's hosted over at Crazy For Books by Jen, who is also celebrating her 4-yr Blogoversary! This week's question:

Book Blogger HopWhat is your favorite thing about blogging?
What  I love about blogging is simply writing about books. Sitting down, opening Blogger and start writing. I never really edit my reviews in the sense that I spend a lot of time thinking how they should be organised, but I do also really enjoy thinking about what to write and how to write. Something I didn't expect was how much I started to enjoy networking. It took me some time to get into and to start to see the fun of it, but now I love browsing through blogs.
For this week's Book Beginnings (hosted by Rose City Reader) and Friday 56 (hosted by Freda's Voice) I decided to go back to a classic that I've been rereading over the years: The Iliad by Homer.


Achilles' wrath, to Greece the direful spring Of woes unnumber'd, heavenly goddess, sing!That wrath which hurl'd to Pluto's gloomy reignThe souls of mighty chiefs untimely slain
I love the drama, it always makes me feel excited. Little trivia: the central theme of the Iliad is not the Trojan War, but Achilles' wrath, that's why it's the first (in Greek) words of the entire book.


The gathering murmur spreads, their trampling feetBeat the loose sands, and thicken to the fleet;With long-resounding cries they urge the trainTo fit the ships, and launch into the main
When reading this I really feel as if I can hear the cries of the soldiers and the trampling of their feet. Perhaps I get into it too much, but I simply really like it.

So, how about you? Do you hate any covers? What do you love about blogging?


  1. Yeah, those Harry Potter books aren't super great. Too use to the US ones!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Hi there!

    I'm now following your blog. Here's my link:

    Have a wonderful Friday :)


  3. hi Juli! i love the covers of the German edition of Harry Potter better than the US or British editions.
    i plan to read The Iliad sometime soon! have a great weekend ahead!

  4. Love the snippets for BB and 56....thanks for sharing the beautiful language of Homer.


  5. I too am trying to get into more networking! Thanks for visiting and following my blog!

  6. I agree that blogging is so much takes a lot of time, but is so enjoyable.

    I never thought my blog would turn out to be what it is...tons of great book finds and tons of great people in this world to talk to. I have made some new friends and friends with authors as well. Everyone is so very nice.

    You have a great answer....I also love the creativity on blogs. Stop by to read my entire post if you like.

    Happy Friday!!


    Silver's Reviews

  7. Yeah those covers aren't exactly appealing. New follower!
    My FF: World of Books

  8. The writing process feels very rewarding when you finally click the publish button, I so can identify myself with your joy! Enjoy your weekends, and thanks for the follow! I'm now a proud new follower of your blog too ;)


  9. Im pretty sure i love all the Harry POtter covers! :)

    Old follower-
    My FF
    Don’t forget to stop by and enter My giveaway

  10. Rereading the Iliad? That's one long book. And repetitive, great as it is. This reminds me that I'd like to revisit The Odyssey one day.

    Here's my Book Beginning.

  11. I have not read this before, though I have quoted from it.

  12. Wow, I like those Harry Potter covers. I've never seen them.

    Here's my Friday Hops.

    Old follower :)

  13. hello Juli! :)

    You know, I've never read the Iliad or Odyssey. The only epic that I've read to date is the Aeneid. haha Perhaps I should read the others as well, or rather, I've been meaning to. Thanks for stopping by today! I love the German covers for HP! thanks for sharing!


  14. You have some interesting posts today. I really admire your old books your books you like section. Amazing. I'm a new follower from FF. you can find me at:

  15. I love that last part: "...the souls of mighty chiefs untimely slain." I haven't read the Odyssey or Iliad, so my education is incomplete!
    My Book Beginning is from Memories.

  16. There is a new novel about Achilles that I want to read. Based on the classic, of course. I also like Homer.

  17. Boy, I haven't read The Iliad since college. You inspire me.

    Thanks for participating in BBOF!

  18. I haven't seen those Harry Potter covers before. I have to say, I'm rather partial to the US covers because those are the ones sitting on my bookshelf. :)

    Thanks for stopping by and following! Following you back via GFC.

  19. Iliad has not been on my reading wishlist, but your quote is tempting me. Thanks!

  20. Those HP covers are awesome! I really enjoyed The Iliad - it was required reading, but funnily I enjoyed it!

  21. There is a lot going on, but it is pleasing to look at. I wish I had those HP versions on my shelves! Thank you for following back!

  22. Once you blog for a while you can network into all sorts of great people all over the world

  23. Browsing other book blogs is definitely one of my favorite thing about blogging, too. I love the variety!

    Glad to have found you via the Hop :)

  24. I haven't seen this covers before! I haven't even read this books, yet! *hangs head in shame* And I call myself a book blogger?
    Thanks for stopping by! =D

  25. I'm really late following back from last week - it's been a really busy few days! But I'm really happy to meet you :)


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