'Echo and Narcissus' by Ted Hughes
I always felt sorry for the character of Echo, but in a dignified way. It wasn't pity which I felt, but a respect for her being able to love so deeply. Yet Hughes makes her sound almost pathetic, as if she is even below pity. But let me run you through my thoughts on Hughes, how he depicts Echo and what I think that may say about him. I was trying to argue in favor of a argument here and I just anted to say before hand that I do like Hughes and his work and don't think he is some kind of evil overlord.
It seems to be in Echo's nature to need someone else. The very essence of her name and legacy implies this. She was so nicely talkative that Zeus used her as a distraction for Hera when he was having fun with Earth-girls and once Hera found this out, she punished Echo. From that day on, she was only able to repeat the last words of others. It is quite a sad and dramatic story, yet again, Hughes seems dismissive. When Echo catches onto words to talk to Narcissus he says she catches them 'as if they were precious'. I thought this was a rather strange turn of phrase for a poet. Of course words are precious, especially if you have too little of them and none of your own. These words are het life line, yet he mocks her. And this is where I am going to make a link to his personal life.
As I said above, he was married to Sylvia Plath, a rather famous writer in her ow right. However, she was deeply unhappy and committed suicide in 1963 after they separated the year previously. At times I find it hard to read Plath's poetry because it is very intricate and sometimes very depressing, yet it is amazing. I feel that when you read her work you can sense it is an escape for her from her every day depression and struggles. Hughes is, at times, blamed for her depression and suicide and burning part of her diary after her death didn't really help and let's not forget his girlfriend after that also committed suicide. But I feel that most of all, it seems like he looked down at her.
Perhaps he didn't like her writing style or just lost sympathy during their marriage, but after reading his portrayal of Echo I feel he just has something against women. The way Narcissus rejects Echo, with just one look, is very harsh. I understand that her bursting forward 'pleading' and with open arms might be scary, but to then leave her there crying 'touch me' is almost too cruel, especially because Hughes doesn't treat her any better afterwards.
After Narcissus has left her, Echo 'moped' and felt 'humiliated'. Again, these aren't the most beautiful or kind words to describe a woman in pain. Hughes describes her beauty as a 'petal' that is 'wasting away'. The imagery of a flower is often used to describe a woman's beauty, yet by using a petal he shows she wasn't actually that beautiful, begging the question why he decided to use that imagery at all, if not to mock her. And then, the kind of attention he pays to her decay, 'fading', 'shriveling' and the double mention of her 'bones' might almost be interpreted as macabre. Whereas under Ovid I felt that perhaps Echo's existence as voice might be something good, a change for the better so to say, it is clearly not in Hughes version.
What made his judgement of Echo all the more poignant for me was that Hughes refrains from judging Narcissus for his harsh and vain reaction. Surely, he should judge both ways and not favor one before the other. Have you read 'Echo and Narcissus' or are you a fan of Hughes? What did you think?
Very interesting view of the poem!
ReplyDeletehmm, yes, I would tend to agree with this reading of Hughes version.. maybe more self revealing then he even realised..