
Showing posts from 2014

Review: 'The Woman Who Would Be King' by Kara Cooney

Weekly Overview

Review: '100 Skills for the End of the World as we Know It' by Ana Maria Spagna

Friday Memes and 'In the Beginning was the Sea'

Harry Potter Moment of the Week - Minerva McGonagall

Review: 'Splintered' by A.G. Howard

Friday Memes and a Lonely Postman

Review: 'The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman' by Denis Thériault, Liedewy Hawke

Weekly Overview

Friday Memes and 'The Master and Margarita'

Review: 'Dinner with Stalin and Other Stories' by David Shrayer-Petrov, in translation

Harry Potter Moment of the Week -

Steinbeck's 'The Pearl' and Human Nature

Tuesday Intros and Teaser Tuesday - 'Fahrenheit 451' by Ray Bradbury

Review: 'The Beauty' by Aliya Whiteley

Weekly Overview

2007 'Persuasion' and the Romantic Psychological Unravelling

Friday Memes and Shakespeare

Harry Potter Moment of the Week - the HP Cast