
Showing posts from 2013

Friday at Mansfield Park

Review: 'Robinson Crusoe' by Daniel Defoe

Review: 'The War of the Worlds' by H.G. Wells

Busy Friday

Waiting on Wednesday - I'm soo excited

Lisa Fray: 'Authenticity and the Author's Intrusion into Fiction'

I can't believe I'm actually managing to post something...

Blood Series: Character Interview - Meet Dominic

How History and Politics create Literature

Guest post by Lisa Fray - 'Do Books Make Us Better People?'

Blog Tour for 'Maverick Touch' by Ashley Nemer

Guest post: Meredith Blake - 'More Holden Caulfield’s on the Horizon?'

Virginia's Friday

Guestpost: Liesel K. Hill on writing and 'Dark Remnants'

Cover reveal: 'Perfection Unleashed' by Jade Kerrion

Tolstoy's Friday