Exciting News: Fiction & Feeling
I'm really excited to share some news with you I got from Quirk Books a few days ago! I'm very happy to introduce you to a new publisher: Fiction & Feeling, a UK publishing house aiming to show off the world in all its diverse and complicated glory!
I love their logo, the two F's intertwined! Just wait until you hear about their first book, Split!
And now for even more exciting news, here is their new collection, Becoming Dangerous: An anthology about ritual and resistance!

“Fiction & Feeling are rapidly becoming my favourite new publisher.” -- KIERON GILLEN
“I can't bloody wait to read this book.” -- LAURIE PENNY
I love their logo, the two F's intertwined! Just wait until you hear about their first book, Split!
Tell someone you’re divorced and they look at you differently. The pity, shame, and sense of failing at something that was only supposed to end in death can be a heavy burden to bear.But it doesn’t have to be.This book collects essays written by divorced writers exploring what led them to divorce, how they lived through it, and, perhaps most importantly, who they are now that it’s over. Where often divorce represents loss and a feeling of defeat, these essays provide an alternative: divorce as a catalyst in gaining a new sense of self and the discovery of new ways to define success.It’s not a how-to guide, but many of the essays provide examples of how life after the end of marriage can still be satisfying despite complications, joyful despite awkwardness, or revelatory despite grief.Featuring established and emerging writers, the one thing all contributors have in common is they’ve lived through divorce and have offered for this collection moving, challenging, sad, funny, heartbreaking, self-aware reflections of that time in their lives. The writers are from diverse backgrounds and provide essays that are true stories of grief and parenting; of queerness, kink, and compromise; of artistic differences and academic dissonance; of mental health and addiction.
And now for even more exciting news, here is their new collection, Becoming Dangerous: An anthology about ritual and resistance!
BECOMING DANGEROUS is a collection of deeply personal essays by marginalised people operating at the intersection of feminism, witchcraft, and resistance to summon power and become fearsome in a world that would prefer them afraid. Contributions from twenty witchy femmes, queer conjurers, and magical rebels create a book of intelligent and challenging essays that will resonate with anyone who’s ever looked for answers outside the typical places.
Rituals, and magic in general, tend to increase in popularity during times of uncertainty and unrest. More people are creating private covens on Facebook, sharing ritualised skincare routines, using tarot readings to make their weekend plans, making offerings to the Goddess, and performing binding spells on their political leaders… And with mainstream media such as broadsheets, Vogue, Stylist and Buzzfeed covering the world of magic this year, what could be a better time to start discovering our own power?From the fashion magick of brujas to cripple-witch city-magic; from shoreline rituals to psychotherapy, from ritualistic skincare routines to gardening; from becoming your own higher power to searching for a legendary Scottish warrior woman; —this book is for people who know that now is the time, now is the hour, ours is the magic, ours is the power.
The Kickstarter project for this collection has gone live TODAY so hop over and consider donating because this is a collection I'm desperate for! Edited by Katie
West and Jasmine Elliott, I'm really looking forward to reading this! Witches, rituals, MAGIC!! All of this is exactly what I want to read. And how gorgeous is the cover?
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